Presenting in English
How to present in English persuasive and inspiring for your ideas
You have to present a project or product – but you don’t get the feeling you really enthuse your colleagues, chiefs or your customers with your content. The challenge is to maintain a positive and confident attitude before audiences
Training Objectives
Preparation of Presentation
- Developing a convincing concept, activating head, heart and hand of your audience
- Establishing the key message
- Using visualization
- Applying structure and style effectively
- Ways of making your point
- Developing your unique style
Prepare yourself
- Analysis of your body language, facial expressions, voice and communication with concrete advice for improvement
- Developing a more confident and convincing voice and a greater range of expression in the voice
- Using body language to build audience rapport
- Using language creatively to present a more powerful message
- Overcoming of nervousness and anxiety
- Developing a presentation style, that is entertaining, interesting and stimulating
- Learning how to easily interact with the audience
Your benefit
In this highly interactive and personalized training you will enhance your presentation skills. We will analyse your individual style and find out, what kind of rules, strategies or methods you need for your personal improvement. You will get to know how to deliver a whole presentation with ease and comfort.
Target Audience
Experts, Management, Employees, Trainers - who have to persuade, educate or inform with presentations in their daily business.
2 days